Thursday, March 8, 2012

Do Right By the Customer

I am in this business to give a real estate safety edge to people. Informed people make safe commitments to do what is evidently wise for them. Infused with certainty, real estate choices are easy, financially probable, and emotionally healthy. No person should ever be manipulated into making a commitment to own, sell, or rent real estate, pay property taxes, or be denied refinancing based on unverifiable data. I'm a rigorous ally for peole who live with roofs over their heads. 

Bubble? What bubble? Best time to buy. Best time to sell. Affordability index. Absorption rate. American Dream. Homeowners are more involved in community than renters. Appreciation. Investment. Cliches. The manipulation to move people to buy, sell, don't rent, is constant and dangerous to the well being of Americans; it's stressful. Consequences of real estate decisions made under stress include lack of commitment, resentment, bitterness, and fear to name a few emotional stressors. Loss of money, bankruptcy, and foreclosure are likely when unprepared people are stressed into commitments they can't keep. Divorce, failing health, and even death spawn from high stress related to loss of control. Prisoners and hostages have much in commone with people who are hostage to commitments they can't keep. They hurt from the consequences of loss of freedom. 

Freedom is the gift of knowledge and insight. The tools available to the public to rise above the barage of assertions based in opinions are incredible. Multiple dozens of practicle aps and web sites are easy to use and relatively reliable for people to know what appraisers and assessors know. Access to homes for sale right next to data on homes recently sold are at your finger tips. There is no reason the widow or widower should be assessed 120% of their verifiable fair market value while the new owner next door is assessed at 100% or less of their homes value. Never again should a person who wants to refinance be denied because an appraisal showed their home is worth slightly less than what's required for approval. Every decision that works against a property owner can be disputed...having the evidence is your power to appeal.

No renter should ever be stung into owning because they have been pushed to do what they know isn't best for them. The financial part of the equation is simple in the hands of experts. The personal part of the formula can be resolved with patience and reflection on values.

There are reasonable prices to pay or accept for home buyers and owners. Reasonably accurate data exists to determine what is probable. Freedom from clinging to what's possible, but not probable, will allow people to move forward with health, wealth, and peace of mind.

 I'm committed and free to do right by the customer.

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