Success is inconvenient. That's what I heard Zig Ziglar say when I was a young man on a mission to build a career in real estate. My car didn't have a cassette player built in, I listened to Zig on a battery powered player sitting on the front seat next to me. When I would sacrifice something important in favor of work I would repeat, success is inconvenient. When I bought my first car with money made in real estate it had to have a cassette player... achieving success. Twenty five years later I understand there is more to success than money. I don't doubt there was more to Zig's message than I gathered at the time.
Help enough other people get what they want and you will get everything you want in life. Zig said that too. There is not much I want in life anymore.
No one gets to the top of Mount Everest by wandering around. Just today I read that quote attributed to Zig in an article about his death. I believe Zig reached the top.
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